In the second instalment of IPONWEB’s Cannes story Brian Golbere, general manager, emerging technology, IPONWEB, tells Ciaran O’Kane, CEO ExchangeWire how TV, out of home (OOH), and audio media owners are transforming themselves into audience-based, programmatic media sellers, and how these changes are shaking up media buying for good.

The dynamic duo discuss the commonly misunderstood concept that TV has always been data-driven, but now there is more data and it’s audience-based rather than ratings figures. This new data is driving changes in targeting by enabling options such as: automated content recognition, household data, and, in some cases, cross-device data.

Another change that has been driven by changes initiated by broadcasters and consumer trends is the ability to watch content wherever you are, and whenever you want, through streaming and downloads this brings a richer audience model, compared to traditional TV.

The biggest challenge is not technical argues Golbere, but how to organise the buying and selling entities and define partners. Historically, there has been limited data available to advertisers, who sought only to reach an audience, regardless of how. Today, advertisers are interested in distribution channels; whereas, previously, the two were alien to each other.

With a focus on engineering, IPONWEB are developing solutions that enable advertisers to:

– Map their intended audience to available broadcasters’ audiences

– Define and execute data ownership solutions between the advertiser and the broadcaster

Solutions for broadcasters include:

– How broadcasters can allocate and optimise across their schedule and available inventory

– How to mange what is, essentially, an al a carte menu for each advertiser

– Being able to define new pricing that allows greater monetisation of content

– Package and bring to market unsold inventory

Moving on to OOH, which Golbere describes as a hybrid of digital and TV, he explains the differences and similarities between TV and digital and the opportunity for creatives to deliver high-impact ads and for media buyers to take advantage of previously unavailable targeting options, like real-time footfall.

Finally, the pair discuss the range of delivery mechanisms available in audio formats, from podcasts to broadcast radio stations to streaming solutions such as Spotify. The challenge here is to understand value across audiences and make use of the data that is available and the ability to personalise creative based on that data.

We wait to see the changes that will happen in programmatic TV, OOH, and audio over the next 12 months, but we can be sure that the transformation of TV, OOH, and audio into audience-based, programmatic channels is well underway.


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